Junior and Adult
Tennis Classes
in North County San Diego
Intermediate Junior Classes Suspended until Sept. 19th
Mon. Wed. & Friday 14-16 Yrs.
Beginning Class 7-10 Yrs. Suspended until Sept. 19th
Mondays at 3:30-4:30 PM / $65 per month. Foundation class to learn basic footwork, the right grip, for their forehand, backhand, volleying and serve.
Advanced Classes Ages 10-15 Yrs. Suspended until Sept. 19th
Monday Wednesday & Friday – 4:30-6 PM
Learn on how to improve your skill level by developing your own check list of what’s working or what you need to work on. We will be using the modern technique of world class players. Video analysis is included. If you’re going to be coming, please give us a short history of your tennis background.
These classes will be team taught: Dennis & Juan Carlos Costa (he’s had his own Tennis Academy 2005) – see his bio.
Senior Classes Suspended until Sept. 19th
For seniors who want to keep their tennis alive! This class is for anyone 65+ years who likes getting out there and hitting with other fun people. We’ll do some basic warm-ups and get right into playing games. Prior playing experience is necessary.
Day: Thursdays 10:30AM-11:30AM – Suspended until Sept. 19th
Email Dennis at dtenisball@aol.com to register.
$10 per session when we have 4 or more players.
Free Friday 1/2 hour for novices only at 6PM. Must call Dennis.
Junior Open Tennis Tournament Suspended until Sept. 19th
4th Sunday of each month
Next Tournament is October 30, 1-5 PM
1-3 PM 7-10 Yrs; 3-5 PM 11-15 Yrs.
We need 10 players to make it happen.
$15 entry fee for singles or $20 for 2 events / prizes & rewards / 10 players
Doubles & singles / Round-Robin
Format: play best of 5 games (no-ad scoring)
A good, reliable serve is necessary.
Sign-up via Irene, Dennis or email: dtenisball@aol.com
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