6750 Paseo Del Norte, Carlsbad
Click here to see more information about Altamira 4 Tennis Club at their website.
Directions to Altamira 4 Tennis Club:
Coming North or South on the I-5, get off at Poinsettia, and go East to (first signal) – Turn left on Paseo del Norte – Go North past the next signal, and look to the East, for # 6750 Altamira 4 T.C.
November 18
13-15 yrs. 3-6pm
Fee $30
Register: dtenisball@aol.com
Deadline: May. 14th
FUN FAMILY SUNDAY for beginning juniors and their parents with a (7-13 Yrs.)
Sundays 2:30-4PM
Come out & learn your basics while playing fun games.
Racquets provided 2-6 per family.
$90 per session.
Register: dtenisball@aol.com
Classes available:
All classes will begin first of the month
Our Junior Tennis Programs
11-16 yrs. Wednesday 4:30 – 6Pm & Saturday 1- 3Pm
Fee: $40. per session
Thursday’s 9-10 am & 6-7 pm
Fee: $40.
Thursday’s 10-11am
$20 per player
Click here to sign up for any of the classes.
Jr. Tournaments
Click here to sign up for any of the classes.
Or call to register
Or send a check to:
Dennis Tennis, 7223 San Miguel Dr, Carlsbad CA 92011
Phone: 760-994-7823
Cancellation Policy for all classes:
There will be no make-up for unexpected absences